The generosity, support and encouragement of our sponsors named or not named here are the pivotal driving forces behind the WongAvery Asia Pacific Peace Museum project.

In Memory of Joan Ding LEE
Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japan War
Living Water Resorts
Ontario Trillium Foundation (AV equipment sponsor)
Eva LO & Hon Biu CHAN
Stephen Wen Kai CHANG
Amy Woon May IP
Grace WONG
Mabel Woon Ping YIP
Michael Wen Pean CHANG
Wai Kwan CHAN
Yuk Shuen & Wah Lai CHENG
CHIN Nyeok Foo & LEAN Chee Seng
Lana & Simon CHIU
May KM WONG & James HON
Bryan Byong-Kuon KIM
Philip KWOK & Family
Alissa WANG & John LIN
Loretta & Frank LING
Jeannie & Richard LIU
Agnes NG
Stella & Andy SIN
Iris Suet Fong TAM
Shirley & Robert TANG
Vaughan Community Church
Lorraine LEE & Michael SW WONG
Susan Foon Chim WONG
Fiona WU

In Memory of Fung Lin WU LUI & Kai Ki LUI
In Memory of George MACDONELL
Edmonton ALPHA | Mr. & Mrs. Tariq M BUTT
Freda CHAN | Frank CHAU| Diana IU | Vincent IU
Yun Back KIM | CHEUNG Yee Shan & Johnny KO
KO Wan Fai | Jane LI & Tim KWAN | Jonathan LAU
Joyce & Sheung Lun LEE | David MAUNG| Stephen NG
Peel Chinese Community Service Hub | SENG Kwei Hwa
SIAO HO Siet Newk | Kai Wing TSANG | TSE Sau Kin
Linda WEN | Kwei Shum WONG | Mokei WONG
"Comfort Women" Column of Strength Statue,
by sculptor Steven Whyte,
Gift of the Jin Duck & Kyung Sik Kim Foundation,
"Comfort Women" Justice Coalition,
Korean American, Chinese American, Filipino American,
and victim communities around the world
"Statue of Peace" by artists Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Eun-sung
"Dimensions in Testimony " by the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation - The Institute for Visual History and Education